Sunday, October 14, 2012

Breaking: Gunmen kill more than 20 leaving mosque in Kaduna

Some Unidentifeid gunmen have wrecked havoc in a community known as Dogon Dawa in Birnin Gwari Local Government Area of Kaduna Staten killing 20 villagers including worshippers from a mosque who were coming back from morning prayers.

Accoeding to villagers who witnessed the shooting, the attackers stormed the village, shooting and stabbing anyone in sight.
Most of those targeted were worshippers leaving a mosque.
Reports have it that they are armed robbers, although no group has admitted responsibilities for the attack.
After attacking people leaving the Mosque, the raiders moved to the house of a community chief and killed him too.
According to the State Information Commissioner Saidu Adamu he mentioned that a gang of robbers who have been terrorizing the area are likely to have carried out the attack.
Reports suggested the gang had tried to attack the village recently, but had been repelled by a vigilante group. But some of the bandits were killed in the process and had threatened a revenge attack.
Abdullahi Muhammad, traditional ruler and councilor of Birnin Gwari, a local government area next to the village, also mentioned that the main suspects were bandits.
“We are suspecting a reprisal attack by gangs of armed robbers who lost some of their members after a recent exchange of fire with the villagers and the vigilantes,” he said.
“The village had been terrorized by an armed group operating from camps in the forest. These armed men mostly attack villages and motorists along the busy Kaduna to Lagos highway.”
Community leaders said they had informed the police that they had been warned, in writing, of a revenge attack – but that police had done nothing.

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