Saturday, October 13, 2012

Again! Man burnt to death in Warri

This time in Warri, Delta State, a man was burnt to death and his 'crime'? He was accused of stealing anecklace in a popular market and was burnt to death. This is coming 2 weeks after the Aluu community killing of 4 part 2 Uniport students in cold blood burning them alive. In this case we ask has life suddenly become so cheap in Nigeria that a human being is burnt cos of a neck chain? We still are mourning Chiadika Lordson, Ugonna Kelechi Obusor, Mike Lloyd Toku and Tekena Elkanah and yet people have not learnt their lessons and the police have not found their rhythm.

1 comment:

  1. Animals in human skin! Heartless idiots, who knows whether the so called stealing took place at first place..who knwows... oh my God, mensch!
