Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nigerian women Pilgrims to Mecca stranded in saudi Arabia

About 171 of Nigerian unaccompanied female pilgrims, barred from entering Jeddah for the annual Hajj by the Saudi authorities, returned to Kano Nigeria today.
Up to 1,000 Nigerian women were affected by the ban order because they were not accompanied by men, with most stuck at the Jeddah airport, Nigerian officials said Wednesday.
The women, who began arriving Sunday at the airport in Jeddah, in western Saudi Arabia, were facing possible deportations by Saudi authorities, said a report compiled by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria, which oversees Nigerian participation in the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
“Upon enquiries by the reception team officials of the National Hajj Commission in the airport, they were told that the pilgrims were held back because of lack of mahram (lawful male accompanying pilgrim),” said the report, which was submitted to the Nigerian House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs.
“These women were not deported. They were returned based on the decision by the National Hajj Commission because the embarrassment from the Saudi authorities was becoming unbearable,” commission spokesman Umar Bala told AFP.

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