Friday, September 21, 2012

Kanye West hits romney in a single

Poor Mitt Romney.
First, it comes out that Nicki Minaj is actually not voting for him in November. Now, in the track "To the World" (off the compilation album "Cruel Summer"), Kanye West takes a shot at the Republican nominee for President by hitting him where it counts:
In Romney's tax returns.
“Mitt Romney don’t pay no tax,” West decrees in a line from the single, following that quip with: “Mitt Romney don’t pay no tax.”
Yes, again. We think he has a point he wants to make. Listen for yourself:

This isn't the only time West has been critical of someone running for office or already in the highest office in the land. He said George W Bush doesnt care about black people during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
We wonder what Kim Kardashian thinks of this whole thing. Oh... right: Whatever her mother tells her to think.

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