Sunday, October 14, 2012

Space diver Felix Baumgartner lands safely on earth

Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner has safely landed on earth after making a life threatnening jump from the edge of space. He left the capsule attached to a huge helium balloon at 128,000 feet -- 24 miles up -- higher than anyone before him.

Baumgartner decided against a second attempt at making a supersonic skydive over New Mexico on Thursday.
Baumgartner aborted his mission Tuesday due to high winds, but his team had hoped the weather Thursday might allow him another try.
His meteorologist Wednesday morning ruled out a Thursday jump. The team will hold a briefing to talk about next steps.
Baumgartner is hoping to become the first skydiver to break the sound barrier by jumping from a capsule floated 23 miles into the stratosphere by 55-story helium balloon.
The jump was postponed due to weather Monday, then aborted at the last minute Tuesday.
The balloon is so delicate that it can only take off if winds are 2 mph or below on the ground.

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