Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama inching closer to re-election

Polls favor the president of the US.

Ipsos/Reuters (Web)NEW!
 And these are

9/24 - 9/28
some of

855 LV




Obama +5
RasmussenNEW!9/25 - 9/271,500 LV 47 46 4 Obama +1
GallupNEW!9/21 - 9/273,050 RV 50 44 - Obama +6
FOX9/24 - 9/261,092 LV 48 43 7 Obama +5
UPI/CVOTERNEW!9/20 - 9/26779 LV 48 46 - Obama +2
Rasmussen9/22 - 9/241,500 LV 47 46 4 Obama +1
YouGov/Economist9/22 - 9/241,000 A 48 43 3 Obama +5
Bloomberg9/21 - 9/24789 LV 49 43 7 Obama +6
DailyKos/SEIU/PPP (D)9/20 - 9/231,200 LV 50 45 5 Obama +5
JZ Analytics9/21 - 9/22860 LV 49 41 10 Obama +8

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